Archive for August, 2004

prayer request

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Travelling Buchwalds

This is a map of states Matt & I have visited together:

create your own personalized map of the USA

This is a map of all the states we’ve been to, with or without each other:

create your own personalized map of the USA

The second map is far more impressive.

Welcome to DINK-land

Matt started a part-time job today. We’re practically a couple of DINKs. Somebody save us! Please!
The good news of all of this DINK-ness is that we’re a step closer to completing our 3-year plan. With any luck, Matt’s paychecks will go entirely toward two “little” vacations I’d like to take, and savings.
We just have to decide which vacation to take first.
Also on the 3-year plan are:
1. Finish Matt’s thesis
2. Find Matt’s “real job”
3. Buy a house
4. Quit Amy’s job
5. Start our family.

In the mean time, we’ll continue plugging away at our jobs and Matt will continue to slave away over his thesis and his resume and we’ll say some prayers. In the end, it will all work out the way it’s supposed to. Whether it’s the way we think we want or not, we’ll just have to wait & see.

In other news, a girl at work, who has been trying to get pregnant for a few years, told us that she’s expecting and due in April. Say some prayers for her & her baby, as she has potential to have a high risk pregnancy.

A Bed of Your Own is Highly Over-rated

Differences between men & women: Matt blogs about John Kerry (ew!) and I blog about sleeping by myself.
Last night, I got to spend a high-quality, ridiculously fun evening with some of my girl-friends. When our fun ended, I stayed at Amanda’s apartment. It was the first night Matt & I were away from each other since our wedding, and boy was it odd. I was excited about sleeping on the Ultimate Futon Mattress, but it really just wasn’t the same sleeping there all by myself. I would have liked to share it with my dh. Alas, he was 40 minutes away pretending to be single again and sleeping at his mom’s house on the Wonderfully Firm Mattress purchased by his grandmother.
I missed my cuddle buddy. And I have no intentions of sleeping by myself for a long time.

John Kerry Would Make A Better Comedian Than a Politician

So, Amy sent me a link to Catholic Ragemonkey talking about a John Kerry speach. He mentioned a quote (possibly partly not exact words) that went like so: “…that Den Mother taught me to see trees as the cathedrals of nature…blah, blah…and so we can and must march to the day of full equality for all women.” And commented how equality is good nad such, but that it was like a political sleight of hand. He started talking about nature and then BAM! equality for women, hoo-boy, ya betcha!

This was what I was talking about in my post before. If he were a comedian and he said something like that, I’d laugh. It’s exactly what I meant, sorta. Start with one premise, and then smash a different one into one’s field of thought by using some little twist. It’s a great thing! If you’re trying to make someone laugh. Not if you’re trying to be president.

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