Archive for June, 2006

The To-Do List

refinish floors – DONE
paint rooms – DONE
reinstall old lights – DONE
install new light – DONE
reinstall trim – DONE
paint doors – DONE
reinstall doors – DONE
shampoo carpets – DONE
put away paint – DONE
start all new utilities – DONE
cancel phone/internet – DONE
move insurance policies to local agent – DONE
get a mattress for guest room bed – DONE
get bedding for guest room bed – DONE
get some new lamps – DONE
have mail forwarded – DONE
change Amy’s driver’s license info – DONE
change title/registration on the Intrepid – DONE
pack – DONE
pack – DONE
pack – DONE

we’re offering free donuts & pizza to anyone who helps us move :)

In case you didn’t already know…

we’re officially crazy.
Matt was supposed to have to go to West Virginia on June 26, so I made my last day at work June 22 so that we could move before he had to leave. That takes a week off of our original plan, but we thought it was still do-able. Then the floors took too long to dry and now Matt might have to go to West Virginia on June 20 instead. We were having some trouble finding moving help, too, but that’s getting better.
I just have to figure out how to get this place packed between now & next Sunday. I might even have to break down & go to the liquor store to ask for boxes.

I should be sleeping

but I’m not because the cat decided to be cute & crawl into my lap. I hate to disturb him.
In other Ratzi news, we have new pictures! They should be posted in the next few days. Most notably, there are pictures of the Cat in the CrockPot.

Two Years, Huh?

That’s pretty cool.

Thesis is switching gears to a graduation paper. That should go well after my first big project startup for work is finished (starts sometime in mid-june, goes until sometime). Yum.

I also don’t have a white picket fence, but the house is in existence, so theoretically this is possible. Speaking of theoretical. We have fifty theoretical babies. We train them in our imaginarium where they are learning the Jedi arts. Pretty soon Mr. Palpatine is gonna know not to mess with us.

Occasionally, I am filled with rich chocolatey goo. That’s not quite the same as being rich, unless you eat me during one of those times. But please do not eat me. That would make me unhappy.

Not sure how I’ve helped the poor. I’m a big slacker. Though more money has gone to charitable causes this year. Theoretically I may have indirectly helped the poor. Which would be nice.

I have invented time travel. Sort of. See, my job had a long commute, so while travelling to and from work, I was tending to go faster throughout the day then most people. Therefore, thanks to time-dilation, I was getting slowly younger than most of the people I know. Pretty soon I should be able to harness this power to fight crime, where I can form my alter-ego: time man! (Bitten by a radioactive time, with all the powers of a time).

Goals for next Marriage Year
1. Finish Master’s Degree.
2. Develop Mutant Powers; Form an Elite World-Saving Team
3. Help the poor
4. Learn how to construct stairs
5. Produce offspring, thus ensuring I will not have to mow the lawn forever

Our Second Anniversary

A year ago today, I let my husband sleep in. This year, I made him get up & return a floor sander to a location about an hour away from our apartment. I’m a big ol’ meanie. When he gets back, though, we’re going to eat donuts & watch The Princess Bride. Hopefully that’ll make up for the floor sander.
Since last year, we have acquired a kitten, a job for Matt and a house. I’d say we did pretty well. We also saw a lot of really awesome people get married and some others have babies. They’ve done pretty well, too.

Recap of last year’s goals…
(my goals)
1. I did a little better with cooking after Matt got his job, but he still does most of it.
2. Matt has a job, so I think this goal was accomplished.
3. The scrapbooks are better, but still far from caught up.
4. Going to the Y has pretty much stopped. Matt’s never around enough to use the membership and I haven’t been to class since I found out I was going to have surgery on my foot. It was kind of a wasted membership for the past few months and we’ll be cancelling it because we’re moving, but when we did use it I was really glad to have it. If you ever find yourself at the Y in my town, take Susan’s classes. She’s the best.
5. Still haven’t seen Gone with the Wind
6. I *did* finish Paul’s book. I wrote about it here.
7. We taught 8th grade religious education. That was an adventure… I loved every minute of it.
(“us” goals)
3. Will be DONE in July
4. Still working on it.

Goals for this year…
1. Fix my thyroid: This should be pretty self-explanatory :)
2. Find a part time job closer to the house: My current job is too far from our new house and with all the running around I’m going to be doing in the coming weeks & months for goal #1, it’ll be easier to work part time.
3. Encourage Matt to write his thesis/grad paper/whatever he’s calling it these days: Also self-explanatory.
4. Many goals for our new house: This is a whole separate post… we’ll get to it later today, maybe.
5. Find a friend for Ratzi: He needs company & someone to run around the new house with so he doesn’t get fat.
6. Top Secret Special Project: If I told you, I’d have to kill you ;)

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