Archive for the 'Life' Category

Just Another Post About LIFE

Call this a mini-carnival, if you will…
‘Tis the season, I suppose, to talk about life issues. I read about them on a daily basis, and if somebody asked, I’d tell them what I thought, but for the most part, I don’t dwell too much… until January rolls around. Then I start to think about The Trip. I dread it, and yet, somehow, I live for it. I’m speaking, of course, of the annual March for Life held in Washington, DC, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade (or the Monday following, as it will be this year).

I offer some of my personal thoughts, a few prayer requests, and some other timely bloggings:

This will be my 10th march and Matt’s first. We’ll be travelling with the group from Beloved Disciple. The short & sweet summary is that we will leave Sunday at 11:30pm, arriving Monday at 7ish at the Basilica for Mass (broadcast live on EWTN) followed by the journey to the Elipse for the Rally and March. Afterwards, we’ll travel home, arriving back at the church at 11:30pm on Monday night. A whirl-wind journey, but worth every minute. I’m excited to be able to finally share this day with Matt so that he’ll see first hand why it’s so important to me. In some ways, it’s more of a pilgrimage than a political effort. I think a large part of that comes from being so surrounded by other people of faith – and not just fellow Catholics. There are so many other faith groups represented, it’s an amazing experience to see so many different types of people from all walks of life join together for the same cause.

Father Tharp, of Ragemonkey fame, has a guest column published at Crisis Magazine’s website. He expresses how this effort has touched his life very very personally. On Sunday, everyone should pop over to the blog & wish him a Happy Birthday.

Funky Dung at Ales Rarus posts some important information for college students who might be looking for a way to get involved in the March. He also advertises for a rally held this evening. I regret not pointing to his post sooner.

Everyone should read these two blogs often: After Abortion and The S.I.C.L.E Cell

Lastly, a few prayer requests. Please pray for a woman whose body is not giving her doctors enough clear answers to confirm or deny a pregnancy, for a woman who recently had an abortion for the sixth time, and for a woman who is “on the fence”, so to speak. Pray also for all expectant mothers and fathers and those hoping to soon become expectant mothers and fathers.

edited to add: I just discovered that Cardinal Egan will not be principal celebrant at the Mass again this year as I had previously thought. We get Cardinal McCarrick, instead.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Time to start thinking about CHRISTMAS, folks. Don’t believe me? Ask your favorite retailers… they’re getting started already. I’m sure dear Wally World is starting to make room in the garden department!
Matt has the whole day off today. I wanted to go to the local amusement park (no, not Kennywood, silly people, the LOCAL park, Waldameer) today, but it’s supposed to storm off & on all day and who wants to deal with that while trying to ride roller coasters?
Instead, we’re going to head to the local “big mall” (good ol’ Mill Creek) and get a head start on Christmas. My hope is that most of the last minute back to school purchases have been made & we can shop with limited distractions.
I’m feeling the Catholic Guilt kicking in about shopping on a Sunday. Perhaps today should be the day that dh learns how to pray the Rosary. It’s something he’s going to have to learn sooner or later, especially if he’s going to go on the March with me in January, and I think it would be a wonderful thing to do on “long” car trips. Lately, if it’s not somewhere right in town, every car trip is a “long” car trip. Even on the trip to our parents’ houses, I can get in two sets of mysteries.
Time to get ready for Mass! (pray for me! in our new parish, everyone stands too much & kneels too little… that’s another entry for another day, though)

P.S. You know you’ve moved way to far north when ERIE is the “local” stuff and Pittsburgh is “far away”! I have to admit that Erie is really probably only 20 minutes closer, depending on where you want to go.

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