Once Upon a Time

...and Happily Ever After

Sunday, June 29, 2003

342 Days Until The Wedding

Today isn't a palindrome, but it has 42 in it, so it's cool anyway.

Going to look at tuxes today. Then I shall conquer the void! (Er, been playing FFV)

Saturday, June 28, 2003

343 Days Until the Wedding

Today is a palindrome!

Not everyone has signed up for our happy forum... so go sign up! Matt & I promise that everyone we know is at least as normal as we are... so if you know us and love/like/tolerate us, you'll all love/like/tolerate each other :o)

Friday, June 27, 2003

344 Days Until the Wedding

Week 4 Things to do:
1. Finish fixing up the journal so it looks nice. (hint, hint, Matt)
2. Work on a Message Board/Forum
4. Sell the Caddy
5. Finish some question asking...
6. Set up some appointments
7. Call the caterer
8. Get price for wedding invites.
9. Begin shopping for Tuxes

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

347 Days Until the Wedding

This is very un-wedding related, but I get to sleep in tomorrow! *does happy party dance*

347 Days Until the Wedding

Why must I get sick? Seriously, now. I'm tried of it. If it's all just a random joke on me, than ha ha. I laughed, it can stop now. Really. The Germ Collective has won. You can move onto another target now. Thanks.

On the plus side I'm read well over 300 pages now. 'course I've felt like crud whilst doing so, but hey.

oh, erm. Marriage prevents you from getting sick right?

Monday, June 23, 2003

348 Days Until the Wedding

I just finished #8 on the list.

What's number 8, you ask? Can't you read invisible type?

Gotting the new Harry Potter, silly! ;)

348 Days Until the Wedding

I look forward to the day when we can order all groceries online. In fact, I look forward to the time when all grocery stores are virtual; all employees of grocery stores will be webmasters, coders, delivery persons, system administrators, and upper management. Then we'll all have more time to do...non grocery shopping. Of course, there will have to be a huge database full of carton pictures, including nutritional information, container size, etc.

You see, I've grown to not like grocery shopping. It used to not be such a big deal, but then I suddenly have little extra time during a day. Grocery shopping makes this small amount of time even smaller. If we could eliminate the need for an actual physical store, we'd eliminate lost time.

Tonight I hope to cut my total grocery shopping time to 20 minutes. Wish me luck.

Oh erm. This is all for planning for the future. You see, eventually we'll have children. Kids = time. More time = more kids. Er, more time to spend with the kids. Something like that. More time to spend with kids means less frantic rushing to the store, children in tow. If anyone's visited a grocery store recently and seen parents there with small children, I am certain they've gotten it into their head that it's a situation to avoid if possible (I don't think it is). Mandatory Virtual Grocery Stores (MVGS) woudl be the perfect solution to this.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

349 Days Until the Wedding

I have a dress! It's pretty :) I can't talk about it here though because Matt reads this. Email me if you want to know details.

I might even have a bridesmaid dress, too... pending approval from the rest of the crew.

We also think we have our invitation picked out. No butterflies :o( but it matches the colors :o)

Friday, June 20, 2003

351 Days Until the Wedding

Week 3 Things to do:
1. Go Dress Shopping!
2. Finish fixing up the journal so it looks nice. (hint, hint, Matt)
3. Work on a Message Board/Forum
4. Sell the Caddy
5. Finish some question asking...
6. Set up some appointments
7. Call the caterer

Updates on past lists - if it's not still on the list it's safe to assume it's done.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

352 Days Until the Wedding

My triceps hate me.

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

353 Days Until the Wedding

Everyone visit our wedding message board! Socialize & start getting to know each other :o)

You have to register to post, but you're registering strictly for our forum so nobody we don't know will be able to post... It's safe to use real names & that will cut down on trying to remember which fake name goes with which real person.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

354 Days Until the Wedding

Add "Investigate the Aquisition of a Forum" to that list ;)

Update: Forum Aquisition investigated. forum should exist within 24 hours.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

356 Days Unti the Wedding

That list was a little late... I forgot that Friday was two days ago.

356 Days Until the Wedding

Week 2 Things to do:
1. Apply for Credit Union Credit Card
2. Finish fixing up the journal so it looks nice. (hint, hint, Matt)
3. Work on a Message Board/Forum
4. Sell the Caddy
5. Finish some question asking...
6. Type lists made last week & make phone calls
7. Call the caterer
8. Set up Forum Once they send me (Matt) an email telling that it's ready.

Saturday, June 14, 2003

357 Days Until the Wedding

...now wait a minute :-P

I'll look into a forum later today, probably. I'm lacking motivation right now.

Friday, June 13, 2003

358 Days Until the Wedding

If there were to be a movie about our wedding and George Clooney & Joshua Jackson were playing your part, could I play myself? Please?

Thursday, June 12, 2003

359 Days Until The Wedding

If there were to be a movie about our wedding, and George Clooney played me during the close-ups, Joshua Jackson played me during the long distance shots, and someone else played be for the normal range shots... would anyone notice?

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

360 Days Until the Wedding

Matt, I wish I knew where your book was, but I don't.

The good news of the day is that I will soon have a way for all of our wedding spending to come out of one account. Hooray for my awesome credit union!

360 Days Until The Wedding

Does anyone know where I put my Idiot's Guide to Being a Groom? I don't think it's in my apartment. Somebody remind me to look for it when I get home; I think it may be in the swan basket. I much prefer trying to learn stuff by reading a book then trying to find it on the web.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Gee, photographers cost a lot. I wonder, with the photo-taking, and the developing, and all that, how much they make an hour. I realise Amy was going to handle that, but sometimes, you know, you get thinking after you see things like "Nonlinear iteration is not converging with step size reduced to hmin (2.278630990111975e-039) at time 6.413776048739496e-025. Try reducing the minimum step size and/or relax the relative error tolerance," about 50 times in a row.

I informed Steve yesterday finally that he is in charge of the Bachelor Party, just to make sure he has some idea of best man stuff. ...where's my grooms guide book, anyway?

361 Days Until The Wedding

Not much new to report except that last night I finally talked to Ginny about her work schedule. By the end of the month I might just have my wedding dress :o)

Sunday, June 08, 2003

363 Days Until the Wedding

Lists are mostly made now, just have to start making phone calls... oh if only I could convince a certain bridesmaid/sister of mine to learn to call people on the phone *cough*Lisa*cough* then maybe she could help me out with that.

Saturday, June 07, 2003

364 Days Until the Wedding

Well, Matt & I didn't make much progress today. Turns out I need to call my credit union on Monday & talk to them about some things before we can decide on how we're paying for things. And as you can see he has yet to post. But tomorrow before Matt goes back to Rochester we're going to make our lists and at least that will be done :o)

Friday, June 06, 2003

365 Days Until the Wedding

Week 1 Things to do:
1. Get Matt to start writing here
2. Finish fixing up the journal so it looks nice. (hint, hint, Matt)
3. Set up a bank account to put wedding money into.
4. Sell the Caddy
5. Finish some question asking...
6. Make some lists
7. Assign lists of phone calls to make.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Only 366 days until the wedding! With the wonderful phenomenon known as "Leap Year" Matt and I have an extra day to plan and prepare for our "big day" It's also one more day for me to be paranoid... :o)