Once Upon a Time

...and Happily Ever After

Sunday, May 30, 2004

6 Days Until the Wedding

Matt's grandpa passed away yesterday. By Tuesday, his obituary should be here on Schuylkill.com. There will be a slight shuffling of people this week but all should be able to continue as planned for the wedding. His grandpa had been pretty sick and wasn't going to be able to make it out for the wedding, but we didn't really think things would happen like this.
Condolences can be sent to Matt here. Thank you in advance from both of us for all of your thoughts and prayers.
In the words of Matt's grandpa, "Cheer up. Things are going to get worse."

Saturday, May 29, 2004

7 Days Until the Wedding

whew. Timelines have been sent. Wedding party check your email!

Now for the rest of the To Do List:
*write checks to pay:
**Donation to the Church
**Gift for Father Ritzert
**Gifts for Altar Servers
**Tips for Bartenders & Hall Manager
**The Hall
*buy a few last minute gifts for people
*finish programs
*finish other misc crafty things
*finish guest book stuff
*Rehearsal Dinner
*Harry Potter
*Get Nails done
*Get Hair Done

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

10 Days Until the Wedding

I've gotten the official word that the wedding can now proceed as planned. Diddy's new glasses have arrived. With extra bling!

Please, email us if you think we've forgotten anything! Tomorrow is exactly one week until our rehearsal and I feel like there's something I'm forgetting.

Monday, May 24, 2004

12 Days Until the Wedding

The ring was hiding very well in my pocket and has been found. There's no further need for alarm. Thank you to anyone who read this & prayed.

12 Days Until the Wedding

This is NOT a test of the Emergency Alert System. This is an actual emergency. My engagement ring is lost. Everyone pray to St. Anthony to help us find it. Matt's out now on his way back to his mom's house to start searching because that's the last place I saw it.

In other news, nobody seems to want paid in any sort of hurry even though everyone said months ago that they needed paid two weeks ahead of time. We also have a marriage license. And a plan which the DJ and the Caterer have both been filled in on. I now only need to finalize with the bartender, the photographers, and the balloon lady. I'm supposed to call the bartender any minute now to finalize stuff, so I should go do that.

Keep praying and we'll keep posted on the status of the missing ring.

Monday, May 17, 2004

19 Days Until the Wedding

The things people say to me:

Xylon II (9:17:57 PM): you might have to postpone your wedding because my new glasses might
not come in on time :-P

I ask, why??? But it's ok because Diddy was only kidding... and I'm in a good mood right now.

(Diddy also says that his new glasses are more bling)

The weekend of miscellaneous single-people stuff was a ton of fun, and Matt even won some money. We're off to a good start accessorizing our kitchen and bathroom, the two most important rooms in the house :)
The bedroom is actually mostly finished. It's rather impressive. All we need is our headboard and maybe some cute matching night stands which have yet to be discovered. Of course, if we get two of said night stands we also need to add about a foot onto the width of the bedroom.

Most of the wedding stuff is actually starting to fall together. There are still about 20 missing reply cards, so if you have one of them, PLEASE email or call me to let me know that you have it and what your reply is because I have to call the caterer this week. I still need to confirm a few last little things before printing the program, then Matt gets to spend his unemployed time printing and assembling them... all the while trying to look for jobs AND find places for his things. He'll be Super Multi-Tasker Man!
I also need to finalize things with all of the rest of our wedding vendors. They should all be excited that I have this journal, even though none of them know it exists, because I'm giving them all tiny little advertisements when I feel like typing out the code to make their names "hot" as they say in just about any Intro to the Internet class you'll ever find.

I'm off to enjoy the thunderstorm from my nice new bed. Sweet dreams!

Friday, May 07, 2004

29 Days Until the Wedding

Is it over yet????? I've had it about up to here *stretches as tall as possible* with miscommunication and misunderstanding. And to think it's all because I want my wedding to be easy to follow. I blame Martin Luther. Damn you, Martin Luther, why couldn't you have kept your mouth shut? Why'd you have to go & split the church and make everyone confused about what Catholics do? If you had kept your mouth shut, I wouldn't feel the need to include as much information as possible into my program so that everyone in attendance knew what was going on and could follow along & participate. And if I didn't feel the need to have participation & understanding at my wedding then I wouldn't be having all this confusion with the organist and I wouldn't be so darned ticked off right now & I could just be enjoying the last 29 days before my wedding.
Damn you, Martin Luther.

This rant was brought to you by the Protestand Reformation and musicians.

It should be noted that I really do love my organist but I think we're both sleep deprived & driving each other batty right about now.

29 Days Until the Wedding

All of the pictures are now uploaded here.
Many, many, many thanks to Amanda for all her hard work. As always, the stuff is awesome.

Now all I need is an iron. Minor details, eh?

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

31 Days Until the Wedding

Click here to meet the wedding party. Amanda's been working long & hard to get these photo collages ready for the long-awaited rehearsal dinner attire.

31 Days Until the Wedding

OK gang we're getting better at these response card things... keep 'em coming! The over-anxious bride would like to have her seating chart done yesterday. I can't wait to stop home & pick up the next batch... Mom says there's a mystery person whose writing she can't read.

The dress gets picked up next week!

I'm supposed to get the rings, too, but I think that's a little bit more running around than I'd like to do in one week so I'm going to delay until Matt comes home. It'll also be better that way because then he can get to try on his ring there too to make sure it fits.

The favors are assembled, as are the bubbles, and the cake has been "designed"... until Grandma changes her mind about something & then I just get to be surprised.

The seating chart, program & timeline are starting to take shape but all three need a fair bit of work still.

I also still need a gift/prize of some sort to give to the couple who has been married the longest. Maybe Hallmark will have some good ideas for me. My other crafty projects are starting to take shape, but I still need to buy a few things to complete those.

When Matt's feeling better (yes, he's sick, but better now than in four weeks) maybe he'll hop on & blog about whether or not he's gotten his tux and other miscellaneous man-wedding stuff.