I’m sorry, Officer, you have the wrong number

We’ve had a landline for a little over a month now. And we get a LOT of phone calls. This would be a very exciting thing, except that the calls are almost never for us. Between the telemarketers (soon to cease, thanks to NoCallsPlease.com) and the “oops, sorry, wrong number” calls, we’re also consistently receiving not-so-pleasant calls for Tyson & Bonnie *last name withheld to protect the guilty*. We’ve received calls for them from the doctor’s office, as well as at least two different collection agencies, and one other company calling about a bill. Last night, however, takes the cake.
I went to bed early with the promise that I’d be awakened if Paul Hamm was kicking @$$. I was in bed a mere 20 minutes when the phone rang. I got up to ask my dear husband who was calling at this obscene hour (about 10:20pm, EST), and as I’m opening the bedroom door, I hear Matt finishing the call. He tells me that the police department from the next municipality over was on the phone. Says the officer was looking for Tyson & Bonnie. So last night Matt got to tell a police officer that he had the wrong phone number. Hind sight, I think he should have asked the officer if we should be alarmed by the number of calls we’ve received for them.
I, personally, am concerned. Do you remember when the Camdens made Mary go live with the Colnel & Ruth? Do you remember why? Let me refresh your memory. Mary had to go live with the Colnel & Ruth in evil, snowy Buffalo because she was BAD. Part of her trouble was that she was in debt. Right before she got sent off to Buffalo, a collection company called the house looking for her. Poor Lucy picked up the phone, and the collector insisted that Lucy was actually Mary. HALF OF THE EPISODE was Lucy being harrassed by the collector who refused to believe that Lucy was Mary’s sister and not Mary at all. If we didn’t have caller ID I’d be really really worried that I might pick up the phone someday & the person on the other end refuse to believe that I’m not Bonnie. And I promise you that I’m NOT Bonnie. We have two lovely Bonnies at work already… we don’t need a third just yet. So yeah, my fear is probably largely a result of watching too much 7th Heaven, but it’s still a fear.

*Edited to add, I’m really not that stupid… I promise that I know that just because something happens on 7th Heaven that it won’t necessarily happen in real life. Is a girl not allowed to have ridiculously crazy worries anymore??


  1. Anonymous
    August 29th, 2004 | 10:56 pm

    If something happens in Seventh Heaven, it doesn’t mean that it will occur in real life.

  2. Amy
    August 30th, 2004 | 5:51 am

    This post has been removed by the author.

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