September 28, 2004
The Impending Death of My Husband (or How to Inherit a Baker’s Rack)
So this week’s been a doozy… and it’s only Tuesday. I continue to have issues with mental and emotional fatigue, and my husband informs me that he may not live long enough to tell his side of this story. He’s so wonderful.
I still have one bank account to close… because I had to close my check card one business day before I could close the checking account.
Some of my books were damaged by water that snuck into Matt’s mom’s basement during the “Ivan Floods” such as the rain was called. Also, my parents have no carpet in their basement thanks to the same batch of rain.
Sunday, we got four new students in our CCD class. Yes, FOUR. We now have more students than space around the table… that’s if they ever all show up at the same time. We were OK this week because two from last week didn’t come.
Yesterday, I bought a kitchen utensil holder and a pitcher with a stiring divice on top. My upgrade for my computer also arrived, however it decided not to cooperate with my husband.
Today, a baker’s rack arrived, Matt got a job interview, our wedding album and other miscellaneous pictures were picked up, laundry was done (and put away, too!).
This evening, the computer continues to fight with Matt, and he’s assembling the Baker’s Rack. It looks quite stunning and really fits nicely… and our appliances don’t look so jumbled anymore.
Our next task is to change our bedclothes and finally get to use the beautiful comforter I picked out for us. If we’re lucky, Matt will survive all of this working and we’ll sleep, warm and comfortable, in a bed with new sheets and matching comforter.
Then, tomorrow, Matt can tell the more amusing version of this story.
Posted in Family,Housekeeping,Jobs | By Amy at 8:45 pm | Comments(0)