Archive for December 5th, 2004

Funshine Bear

Don’t you just love how I blog about six months of marriage and my husband blogs about taking over Cleveland and pretending it’s my birthday?
He’s the best, really he is.

Today was a nutty, awesome day at CCD… In summary, I got to play with a baby. There’s a whole lot of rambling that goes along with the story, but I’ll try to stick to the point. Six-month-old babies are squishy and fun. They’re also kind of heavy.
She was a lot of fun. And she likes Funshine Bear. You can’t go wrong with a baby who likes Funshine bear. REALLY REALLY made me wish Matt had a job already.

Second Helping of Birthday

This weekend is Amy’s birthday again. This means that she is not one year older in the span of less than a month! We’ve developed a rapid aging protein that causes… Absolutely nothing! This also means that she hasn’t aged again, which is good since she just had a birthday. On Saturday, the first day of Birthday II, we took a trip to the evil land of Cleve. There we fought off viciously bad drivers and dodged seagull poop as we crossed the field of green wrath towards the geometrically insane hall of rock. Within its depth we found treasures galore: costumes of unimaginable bad taste, records of blue power, videos of past glory, and lots of music. From there we struggled through howling winds to take an instant painting of Amy and Ginny stading by a mighty instrument covered in butterflies and eventually returned to our craft, to swifty cover Cleve’s domain again.

We found ourselves before a restaurant of power, wherein we gorged ourselves upon the flesh of cow, devouring the fried potatoes of might and conquering the deserts of justice! We left feeling very full and like we had just come from Australia. Finally it was time to deliver our friend back to her home amidst this terrifying land. Departure was sorrowful, but Amy vowed to return. Afterwards, a slow and treacherous trip back to the City of Grove was commenced and we soon reached our warm safe bed.

It was a 1337 day.

Blast from the Past

Today, Matt & I have been married for six whole calendar months. Marriage is great. I highly recommend it.

Married life is even better now that I get to see my husband for pretty much the same amount of time every day, with bonus time on the weekends. There’s finally enough time to share all our stories from our times apart and then have additional conversation about other things going on in the world and in our marriage. It’s bliss.

I’m starting to feel motivated to accomplish things in life again. I’m working on a craft project in preparation for Christmas and I’ve even started reading for my own benefit and enjoyment.

The current 6-month plan:

Personal Goals
*finish said book
*work on scrapbooks (currently: high school; college; “before”, “during” and “after” wedding albums)

Marriage Goals
*job for Matt
*house (or at least a start to the house hunt)
*trip to Disney World
*family expansion