January 30, 2005
IM4NFP (aka Reason Number Three)
I need a personalized license plate. We saw one today that I think I ought to have. Hence the title of this post. The good news is that the person who owns the license plate that I saw wasn’t from Pennsylvania. That improves my chances of actually getting the plate for myself significantly.
Seriously, though, that license plate is the best thing I’ve seen come out of Ohio in a very long time. And even better, the family in the vehicle was young. The children were probably pre-school aged, and the parents looked very close to my age, though probably a few years older.
The NFP license plate is reason number three of why I’d like to have a large family someday.
P.S. Yes, if I get my personalized plate, Mr. B. will get his, too.
Posted in Good Reasons | By Amy at 6:05 pm | Comments(0)