Archive for February 15th, 2005

Five More Days

Only five more days until the 9th anniversary of an event that forever changed my life. I won’t write the details here to protect those involved, but if you think about it, say a prayer for me and for my friend on the 20th.

On a lighter note, Number 1 cousin turns 21 that same day. I’m proud of him. Number 2 cousin turns 16 on the 24th. I’m proud of her, too. The list of birthdays wouldn’t be complete without Number 3 cousin’s birthday right in the middle on the 22nd. And you guessed it, I’m proud of her.

While we’re talking about birthdays and anniversaries, today marks 27 years for my sister-in-law, 24 for Mr. S. and 2 years of wedded bliss for Mr. & Mrs. H.