Archive for June 13th, 2005

The Reading List

That reading list on the right is a little bit of a fake. At present, only the first two books and the second part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy are currently being read here at Casa de Buchwald. I’m an incredibly slow reader, but I have every intention of reading all of those books before the end of the year. Shortly, we’ll be adding the new Harry Potter book to the list, too. I’m sure Matt will have his current book done just in time so that he can read it first.

Scrapbook Explosion

I’ve been scrapbookin like a fiend since I started my new work schedule. It’s been great. I actually began a new project AND finished it in the past month. I’m also caught up on scrapbooking all the weddings Matt & I have been to. I created a page to help me track my progress and not get too sidetracked. My goal is to keep up with my most recently developed film and work backwards from there. I *should* be scrapbooking our first anniversary, but I have to drop that film off and get it developed. The same goes for our Disney Vacation. I still need a few pictures developed from that trip. Since I can’t work on the really recent stuff yet, I’m back to the 2005 March for Life.