September 25, 2005
Did you see that?
My husband has a job!!
He’s not much for details, but I am, so here you go:
The job is located an hour and fifteen minutes southeast of our current location and has excellent benefits. The pay is reasonable for this area, though it would be a definite test of my ability to be frugal if it were our only income and there were children in the house.
The goal now is to survive the commute as long as possible, then move to a location in between our two jobs and rent for a year there. By then, we should have minimal student loan debt and a big enough chunk of savings to buy a house. There are three potential roadblocks to this plan, but they fall under the category of Top Secret Future Plans, so you’ll just have to wait to see if any combination of the roadblocks become an issue.
Now, about the future location of (temporary) Casa de Buchwald… There’s an interesting story. As you may have gathered from looking at our pictures, I attended the same parish my whole life until I got married. In that lifetime, we’ve only had one priest (seen there at my baptism). When he asks you to volunteer, you just can’t say no to him, and because he’s been around for so long he’s much more like a member of the family than just “the parish priest.” Father has been telling me, since before my wedding, about every house he sees for sale in town. All summer long, he’s been telling me about the house of an older parishoner who is moving to Florida to be with her family. Our response is always “Find Matt a job.” We still have no plans to buy the house he keeps mentioning, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s exactly the same amount of travel time from the church* to both of our jobs. I’m chalking this one up to the power of prayer.
*Matt asked me to check travel time from the town where the church is located, and since the church’s address is the only one I know, it was the easiest point of reference to provide to mapquest.
Posted in Houses,Jobs | By Amy at 6:32 am | Comments(4)
Is it the house next to the Sokoloski household? I think you should get that one.
it’s still for sale, but it’ll be long sold by the time we’re ready to buy – and some genius decided to paint over all the woodwork in the house (saw pictures on a real estate site)
woodwork, smoodwork, only chicks notice details like that. The real reasons you should not buy that house is that birds (many,many birds) live inside the south wall and the previous owner before the current ones was a s*x offender.
(edited to keep the spam-bots away)
But it could have a bunch of creepy momentos from a dead old woman’s life in the basement like the Sokoloski’s have, plus nailed on fake brick.
Though you would be surprised how those houses don’t sell, remember the Sokoloski’s had theirs up for sale for 2 years before the elder Sokoloski got a job in western PA and decided to live there again.