May 11, 2006
Crazy Week Update
I had my bloodwork on Tuesday afternoon without any major catastrophy. We met with the Mortgage Man, too, and that went well. Wednesday, my HSG went well & those results were good. I did find out that I have to have some further testing on my thyroid, though. Whoda thunk a skinny little nothin’ like me would have a thyroid issue? My surgery today was absolutely fine. I was asleep for the whole thing & I was told that I snored. (no surprises there!) I was in pain for a little while in the recovery room but they couldn’t find my dr to get him to sign off on my happy drugs. By the time they did find him, I wasn’t in pain anymore. Mostly I just can’t seem to get comfortable, but I have the happy drugs for if/when I do need them.
Matt’s leaving shortly to spend the night at his mom’s because he has to be in West Virginia ASAP tomorrow morning, so I’ll be on my own for probably about 24 hours. It should be an interesting adventure. Luckily, I have an excess of peanut butter toast supplies. And string cheese.
Posted in Amy,Babies,Houses,Matt | By Amy at 6:15 pm | Comments(1)
Hope you feel better soon! Pamper yourself and get lots of rest.