Archive for September 29th, 2006

Vet Update

My boys were fantastic in the car!! There was some crying on the way there, but on the way home they were perfect angels.

Ratzi is officially fat. We’ll be trying to cut back on the amt we give him, especially because I think he’s also eating some of Linus’s food. When we buy more food for him, he’ll be getting the low-calorie stuff. He was pretty scared about being away from home but was good as gold while the tech and the vet looked at him.

Linus might have FIV but we won’t know for sure ’til he’s re-tested when he’s 6 months old. Dr. B. said there’s a pretty good chance that this positive is from antibodies passed to Linus from his mom and that those can last for up to 6 months. She said usually a kitten is sick if it has FIV but Linus is pretty healthy. I’m a little worried about the idea that if he has it Ratzi could also get it but Dr. B. said that FIV is harder to transmit than feline leukemia. Linus will see Dr. B. again in a few weeks for more shots.

St. Christopher, pray for us! St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!

I’m taking both cats to the vet today, by myself, with only one cat carrier. I think we’re going to need a little divine intervention, especially when it’s time to make the left turn out of the vet parking lot to come home.

In other news, the boys are fighting nicely. Linus loves to play and Ratzi wants Linus to play *with* him but Linus is a little slow. He’s good at being chased but not so good at chasing back. Also, as far as I’m aware, Linus did not come into my bed at all last night until the alarm went off at 5am. Progress!!