November 1, 2006
Halloween Recap
Matt carved a little pumpkin & we set it out on our porch (picture to follow). We also watched the SNL Halloween DVD… very funny stuff, even if it was made before Jimmy Fallon’s Halloween Carols… guess we’ll just have to wait for volume two someday.
We handed out treats but only got 6 trick-or-treaters. I suspect the rain kept some kids away… the little boy who lives two doors down didn’t come over. We were bums & didn’t do costumes this year, but I did wear my halloween sweatshirt that glows in the dark. Ratzi & Linus enjoyed a little bit of the excitement, too. I left the inside door open so we could see when people came up the steps, but mostly the cats just had a great time watching the bugs flying around our light. It was hard work & eventually they passed out together on the couch (with a little help from me, lol)Posted in Family,Linus,Ratzi,Watching | By Amy at 8:51 am | Comments(1)
I am the ghost of FIRST POSTs past!