Marriagometer Reads Four Years and Counting

This year seemed to go fast!

As such, there isn’t too much new for me to report. Work’s going well. The wheel-dresser project I mentioned last year has been successful, resulting in two new orders for the same thing. I also got to install a new motion sequence to the aluminum furnace I did right after moving in to our current house, and from feedback, the operators and the company itself love it, so much so that they want the unload car rolls fixed. Hoorah! Presently I’m working on a big project for the same company, along with other coworkers, and am learning a lot about C# as a result. I love event-driven programming so much.

Other than that, I feel like I am more busy! I somehow ended up chaperoning at Youth Group along with Amy, and it’s been fun getting to know the kids and help them grow in fellowship and spirituality. However, this has lead to me being more tired, as we get back after our bedtimes. But mostly just the endless hoagie fund raising has kept us busy. Soon World Youth Day will be upon us and hoagies will be but a thing of the past. I will watch out for night snakes (No I will not explain that).

Amy continues to be a wonderful wife, and seems content to continue to be a wonderful wife. I foresee this continuing in the future, because she is a wonderful wife. Sharing life with her helps me grow and I will always smile when I think of the wonders she brings to me.

Since I’d like to stick around longer (okay, okay, I think Amy came up with the idea), and in addition help us prepare for the rigors of low sleep and lots of walking in Australia, we got a membership at the local YMCA. As far as weight training goes, I have made more progress than I did while at the Grove City Y, but not as much on cardio. Why is running so dang hard? Totally unfair.

For my goals this year, I hope to grow in faith, grow in love, and finally develop the ability to fire lasers out of my eyes. With luck, two out of three of those will be met.


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