Archive for the 'Jobs' Category

Here we go again

We made an offer on another house & it was accepted. We’ll have lots more on that in the near future :)
In other Buchwald News, I’m having surgery on my foot a week from Thursday. Nothing major, but I won’t be allowed to drive for a week (oh, boo hoo, I’m so sad, lol). The actual bad news about that, though, is Matt won’t be around to be my chauffer. I’ll need to beg a few rides so I won’t have to miss work. While I’m hobbling around on crutches begging for rides, Matt will be in WV for his first-ever project start up for work. He still likes his job. Yay!!

Did you see that?

My husband has a job!!
He’s not much for details, but I am, so here you go:
The job is located an hour and fifteen minutes southeast of our current location and has excellent benefits. The pay is reasonable for this area, though it would be a definite test of my ability to be frugal if it were our only income and there were children in the house.
The goal now is to survive the commute as long as possible, then move to a location in between our two jobs and rent for a year there. By then, we should have minimal student loan debt and a big enough chunk of savings to buy a house. There are three potential roadblocks to this plan, but they fall under the category of Top Secret Future Plans, so you’ll just have to wait to see if any combination of the roadblocks become an issue.
Now, about the future location of (temporary) Casa de Buchwald… There’s an interesting story. As you may have gathered from looking at our pictures, I attended the same parish my whole life until I got married. In that lifetime, we’ve only had one priest (seen there at my baptism). When he asks you to volunteer, you just can’t say no to him, and because he’s been around for so long he’s much more like a member of the family than just “the parish priest.” Father has been telling me, since before my wedding, about every house he sees for sale in town. All summer long, he’s been telling me about the house of an older parishoner who is moving to Florida to be with her family. Our response is always “Find Matt a job.” We still have no plans to buy the house he keeps mentioning, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s exactly the same amount of travel time from the church* to both of our jobs. I’m chalking this one up to the power of prayer.

*Matt asked me to check travel time from the town where the church is located, and since the church’s address is the only one I know, it was the easiest point of reference to provide to mapquest.

I have a job.

I have a job! [insert humorous story here]

Like, a real engineering job. I’m excited to no end! :)

I’m just not feeling teh funny right now. So all you get is this boring announcement.

I Think I Hear the Shop-Vac

We were at a picnic this evening and my husband was sucked into wanting a cat again. The hosts of the picnic have some very cute free kittens that need homes, so we *might* be getting one. We need to check with the landlords (we’re thinking they’ll say yes because the other tenants have a yippy dog), price the routine vet stuff to see if it’s in the budget and see if we can acquire any free kitty stuff from Matt’s mom. This is Matt’s incentive to get himself a job.
What do I think of all this? I’m scared to death. I’ve never owned an animal that could puke on my carpet. I’m used to only ever having fish… speaking of, we got a new Betta for our anniversary. His name is Newton and I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned him sooner.
If we get this kitten, he’s going to need a name. We’re looking for a naming gimic, something that we can continue with if we get more cats someday. The fish gimic is that our fish will be named after mathematicians, so I’m looking for something a bit more exciting for cats. Any suggestions?

Of Jobs, Houses, Babies and Such

One of the worst things about Matt’s pending job interview is that I have absolutely no patience. He says job interview, I automatically think “Yay! A House and Babies!!!” So I’ve gotten myself stuck into that situation. The one where I’ve spent WAY too much time gazing at baby items in stores and searching the Howard Hanna website for my dream house.

Whilst I was browsing, I thought I’d investigate a mystery. We saw a suspicious sign in front of a beloved former teacher’s home a few months ago. I looked it up. Not only is it absurdly out of any price range we’ll be able to afford in the next 20 years, it’s also perfect. I would love to be able to buy it and keep it as it should be. It’s one of those wonderful old farm houses, perfect for raising a large family of children who like to play outside, but no longer perfect for having a farm. I’ll cry if anything other than a nice refurbishing happens to the dance studio inside that home. What I’d really like to know, though, is WHY the house is for sale. It’s been so many years and I’m so out of touch with people who might know. *sigh*
Would anyone like to donate a few hundred grand to the Buy Amy’s Dream House fund?

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