Archive for the 'Matt' Category

Day 4

The kitchen is mostly unpacked, as is the bathroom. I need to get baskets or something for the shelves in the kitchen and bathroom closets. WIRE SHELVES BELONG ONLY IN REFRIGERATORS. Wow I feel better already. The wire shelves in those two closets are making it hard for me to store things. Everything wants to fall over. I also have the “I’m too short” problem. In the pantry, even the first shelf is just a bit too high for me to see everything that’s on it. I’ve discovered that I have NO idea how everything fit in our last kitchen. We have almost four times the cabinet space, yet I’ve already run out of room.
Yesterday, the mattress & box spring for our guest room bed arrived. The bed is slanted downhill but at least it’s there. I need to figure out how to remove the casters on the bed because two are already missing & get new casters so everything is level and mobile. Matt & Dad said all I have to do is pull on them, but apparently I can’t pull hard enough.
Matt emailed late last night after working a 14.5 hour day. He’s definitely earning every penny down there. I can’t wait ’til he gets home… there are lots of little projects with his name on them already. Plus, I miss him.
On today’s agenda is grocery shopping including stops at Sam’s Club, SuperWal-Mart and good ol’ Giant Eagle. I’d put it off ’til tomorrow but Ratzi is almost out of food. After the Great Grocery Adventure, I’m going to have to rearrange the kitchen (see above) and then I’ll continue working on putting things away in the bedrooms. I also need to talk to my cousins to see about hiring some yard help while Matt’s away.

Crazy Week Update

I had my bloodwork on Tuesday afternoon without any major catastrophy. We met with the Mortgage Man, too, and that went well. Wednesday, my HSG went well & those results were good. I did find out that I have to have some further testing on my thyroid, though. Whoda thunk a skinny little nothin’ like me would have a thyroid issue? My surgery today was absolutely fine. I was asleep for the whole thing & I was told that I snored. (no surprises there!) I was in pain for a little while in the recovery room but they couldn’t find my dr to get him to sign off on my happy drugs. By the time they did find him, I wasn’t in pain anymore. Mostly I just can’t seem to get comfortable, but I have the happy drugs for if/when I do need them.
Matt’s leaving shortly to spend the night at his mom’s because he has to be in West Virginia ASAP tomorrow morning, so I’ll be on my own for probably about 24 hours. It should be an interesting adventure. Luckily, I have an excess of peanut butter toast supplies. And string cheese.

Month of Insanity – Week 2

Lots of stuff going on this week… if you’re so inclined, we’d appreciate prayers that everything goes as planned.
Here is a brief summary:
Monday, 5:30pm – House inspection (Matt)
Tuesday afternoon – bloodwork (Amy)
Tuesday, 5:00pm – meeting with the mortgage man (Matt & Amy)
Wednesday afternoon – HSG (Amy)
Thursday, time TBA – foot surgery (Amy)
Saturday, 5ish – dinner with the Hirths (Matt & Amy)

Here we go again

We made an offer on another house & it was accepted. We’ll have lots more on that in the near future :)
In other Buchwald News, I’m having surgery on my foot a week from Thursday. Nothing major, but I won’t be allowed to drive for a week (oh, boo hoo, I’m so sad, lol). The actual bad news about that, though, is Matt won’t be around to be my chauffer. I’ll need to beg a few rides so I won’t have to miss work. While I’m hobbling around on crutches begging for rides, Matt will be in WV for his first-ever project start up for work. He still likes his job. Yay!!

Buying Gifts for men.

In order to fully appreciate this post, and to not be constantly asking yourself , “what the heck is he talking about?” you ought to read this link first. Better yet, read them at the same time.

Surprisingly, many of these are absolutely true, and not just stereotypes. Number 1 is true. I wouldn’t mind owning more cordless drills. Heck, I wouldn’t mind having a cordless drill period *looks at wife*. Of the second rule, racheting and socketing are wonderful things. However, all guys know why. Wink wink. And for number three, I would accept nearly any for the car. I own a bobble head chihuahua. I think that one is fairly obviously true.

What good is a bathrobe? Unless it’s a bathrobe that can do math and play video games, psht. Screw that. And I actually don’t care too mcuh about remote controls. I’m too busy wishing my wife would hand the thing over. I’d also personally be offending if I was bought aftershave or deodorant for a gift. Which is not at all quite exactly explicitly stated or adequately implied.

However number 7 is a universal truth of life When we got my labeller, I had to resist the urge to label EVERYTHING. The cat is glad.

Number 8 is wrong in the specific case where assembly is the point of the gift. See this link.

I’m not huge on “guy stores.” Auto parts could be cared for less by me.

Danger is my middle name baby!

Cowboys!? Cowboys!? No self-respecting Steelers fan would dare want tickets to a cowboys game unless it was to watch them be bludgeoned by dem Stillers. Shame shame. (With the exception of slast week, when we needed them to beat Kansas City).

Number 12 brings on a maniacal head nod. Try to imagine that.

Stepstools are furniture waste.

Rope? Cable ties.

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