Archive for July 3rd, 2004

Marriage Episode V: The Buchwalds Strike Back

Sleeping in is great. It’s one of those thinsg that just sends tinglies down your spine and warm in your chest. That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but it sounds good, so I’m going with it. Of coruse, it’s not really sleeping in when your wife wakes you up real early, then immediately lets you go back to sleep. It’s more like an interrupted continuation of sleep that accurs after waking. But hey, at least it’s more sleep. And it’s not like I have to turn into a cockroach to do it, so on the whole I think it’s fairly snazzing.
Amy can’t tell our socks apart. Which is amusing to me, because her feet are 17 sizes smaller than mine. Apparently they all morph into equally-sized balls of sock when folded, and this in where the actual problem lies. We must seek a way to destroy the size-mutating socks, for the good of the land! Underwear is a rather silly thing to fold. It goes on your butt, and you don’t show if off to other people if you can help it. It’s therefore okay to just toss in the dresser to save time. Yet, I still fold underwear for her. I’m just that nice. Or masochistic, it’s really the same thing sometimes. The rent check was sitting on my desk because it had just run a 10-mile marathon and was pretty tired. You’d be sitting after that, too. Also, you use a meat tenderiser to tenderise meat. I know, I know. That wasn’t obvious. I also use it to pound meet into uniform thickness. Not only does this help it cook more evenly, but it makes taking the surface integral of the meat just that much easier!
She let me buy the Lego Stardestroyer so I suppose I’ll have to let things slide until she buys $100 more of scrapbook supplies. Then we’ll be even. THough still pretty odd.

On Married Life, So Far

Tomorrow is my husband’s birthday and on Monday we’ll have been married for a full calendar month. Today, we’ve been married exactly four weeks. How are we celebrating all of these wonderful events? By sleeping in. Sleeping in is, I think, Matt’s favorite thing about being married… That is to say he loves it when I let him sleep in. I don’t do that very often. His idea of sleeping in varies greatly from mine. Last night, we got home from celebrating a friend’s birthday at roughly 2:30am. I slept until about 8:30 and decided I’d had enough. My dear husband is still in bed. I think he’d stay there indefinitely if he didn’t have a bladder.
My favorite thing about being married? Letting him sleep in. And then waking him up. It’s about time to do that, I think. He can have a few more minutes while I finish this post, but then it’s about time we accomplished something today (see previous post)
The first four weeks of married life have been quite agreable. We’ve established a budget, in which, of course, we spend more than I earn. This problem is easily solved by Matt acquiring a job… and that’s on his list for first thing Tuesday. We have a three-month plan (Amy works, Matt works part-time & writes a thesis & finds a “real” job), a three-year plan (a house, a baby & no more working for Amy), and a 30-year plan (top-secret classified information). We continue to have thoroughly amusing arguments ranging from the folding of socks, underwear and decorative towels to why is the rent check sitting on your desk and why in heaven’s name do we need a meat tenderizer.
The apartment is now fully furnished with as much furniture as we can possibly squeeze in here… and it’s time to decorate. Goodness knows I have enough decorations.
I think I’ll go wake dh & see what he wants for a pre-birthday breakfast.

Yet Another Update

Name Change To-Do List:
**Get a new social security card
**Change the name on my credit cards
**Change the billing information for my cell phone so that we can perhaps combine the cell phone bill with the real phone bill
**Finish notifying people at work so that my paycheck will have my new name on it (they can’t change anything with out the SS Card)

Miscellaneous Other Things To-Do List:
**Create inserts for thank you notes
**Write thank you notes
**Assemble thank you notes
**Mail thank you notes
**Decide which pictures belong in our wedding album
**Show pictures to assorted friends & relatives & let them pick things out
**Order pictures
**Gather orders for my PartyLite party.