Archive for July 10th, 2004

You’ve read what we have to say… (and a Weekend Update)

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In other Buchwald Family News, Matt is still in bed. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, as I like to let dh sleep in on the weekend. But today we have places to be & people to see. We also have things to do before we can go anywhere or see anyone. A mere 4 hours from now we’re supposed to be an hour away for a family reunion. It takes a minimum of an hour for the two of us to get ready to go anywhere, and I still have to make food to take with us. I also wanted to finish going through the proofs from the wedding & get ready to place our order.

This being a grown-up married woman thing is hard… Actually having to take food to picnics! Imagine that! *pouts* Where’s my mommy? Oh yeah, she’s at her house, getting her OWN food ready to go to the picnic. My food will be far inferior to anything my mom has ever made, but at least I’m making an effort, right? I’ve kidnapped a recipe for taco dip from Carrie and I’m going to attempt to feed it to my relatives. I tried to feed it to Maureen & Tony’s relatives a few weeks ago… and they ate it… but I found out later that I made it wrong. So hopefully round two will go better (not that round one was bad, mind you) & the relatives will like it.

Tomorrow looks to be another go-to-church-then-sit-around-the-house kind of Sunday, which is A-OK by me, and I’m sure Grandpa Stock approves. I have a goal that I will not shop on Sundays now that I’m married, and last Sunday was the first Sunday I suceeded in my goal. All of the previous Sundays we just couldn’t sit still so we ended up at the store.

On Monday, we’re going to dinner with Matt’s dad to celebrate Matt’s birthday yet again. I think Matt wants to go to Applebee’s, Hopefully we’ll be able to get there early enough to enjoy Happy Hour. I haven’t had a good Long Island Iced Tea since the day before I got married (Thanks, Diddy!).

Wednesday is our final session of NFP. Not that I’m any sort of seasoned veteran or anything, but so far NFP is working out really well for Matt & I. I think I can safely speak for my hubby when I say that we strongly recommend learning it. *insert 30 second commercial* It’s really really inexpensive ($45 for the four session/3 month class which includes instructional material & a thermometer plus any cost for photocopying extra charts and something to write with), very time efficient (5 minutes a day, tops), and it’s educational. Plus, it’s something you have to work on together, so it builds communication. You can learn more from Couple to Couple League or your local Catholic Diocese. *end 30 second commercial*

Next weekend, Ginny & I have plans for a Princess’s Day Out. This means no boys. More on that later… time to wake the hubby!