May 6, 2005
Questions for Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley, who writes Ruminations has requested an interview. Here are her questions. Anne’s answers can be found here. If anyone else would like to be interviewed, just let me know!
1. On your blog, you answer the question of “Why Anne Shirley?” with “Pseudonym. (I love the book series!)” Could you elaborate for those of us who aren’t familiar with this book series?
2. In 50 words or less, what are the best and worst things about being a young mother?
3. It’s been my personal experience that many of my peers (ages 20-28ish) who now want to have children are having difficulty conceiving. Have you experienced this with any of your friends? If so, do you have any theories about what happened to our generation to cause this?
4. Do you say “you bet” after somebody says “thank you”?
5. Do you remember Bean the Bunny?