Archive for May 14th, 2005

Give Me Cleanliness or Give Me Death!

After nearly a year of marriage, we are still very messy people. In all my web-surfing adventures, I found myself at The site offers a method of household cleaning and organization, with reminders that come in my email. Yep, that’s right folks, a cleaning system for the computer addicted. I’m so excited. The trick, of course, is to get started and stick with it. I’m going to try very very hard. The thing about Flylady, though, is that it looks like it would work better if I were staying home all day… so the options are that either (1)Matt needs to get a job, or (2)he needs to be the active Flylady participant. I just really don’t see option number 2 working out, so let’s double up on the “Matt Needs a Job” prayers.