I’m being interviewed by Arwen/Elizabeth! First, I answer her questions, then I have to give you all the rules of game so that I get to interview someone.
1. If you could take one junk food and give it the nutritional value of lettuce without losing any of the flavor, what would that food be?
Little Debbie’s Swiss Cake Rolls
2. In an ideal world, how many children would you and Matt have? (Also, if you’re feeling adventurous, got any ideas for names?)
We’d have 6, spaced using the Fibonacci sequence (bonus points to the first commenter to tell everyone what the sequence is). We have name ideas for the first four, but I’m quite bashful about them, especially my suggestions, because Matt is the only one so far who hasn’t laughed at me upon hearing them. I suppose if I’m going to call my children by these names, though, the public should get used to them, so here goes:
For daughters: Agatha Catherine (first: my great-grandmother’s middle name and middle: my/my mother’s confirmation name) and Leah Christine (after Matt’s grandmother and mother, respectively)
For sons: Benjamin Robert (after Matt’s grandfather and father, respectively) and Wesley Matthew (after the main character in The Princess Bride and, of course, Matt). When you’ve come down from the ceiling, feel free to move on to question 3. (more bonus points for anyone who can explain what I mean)
3. What was your favorite childhood age, and why?
Four because life was simpler then and my hair was cute. Also because we had wonderful things like Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake and Fraggle Rock.
4. In college, did you change majors at all? Were you happy with the major you had when you graduated?
I changed majors after being accepted to college but before scheduling my first semester of classes. I started out History Secondary Ed and switched to Computer Science. When I graduated, I was not happy with my major. My school’s CS department lacked many things… including faculty members… by the time I left. I will say that I was satisfied with the liberal arts portion of my education, though.
5. What’s the angriest Matt has ever made you? (Or, if answering that will cause marital discord, what’s the happiest he’s ever made you?)
This one is hard. I can’t say that Matt has ever made me angry enough to consider it the “angriest he’s ever made me.” So, not for fear of marital discord, but for lack of an “angry story”, the happiest Matt has ever made me was… going with me to Disney World and treating me like a princess the whole week even when he was just as tired & sore as I was after all the walking we did every day.
The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions – each person’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.